Hostile 17
2006-10-06 14:49:38 UTC
Recently, I ran into yet another vile, arbitrary and arrogant bunch of mods
at a vbulletin messageboard. For years I was wondering if there was any way
to hack or otherwise punish the worst of these forums. The pure, undistilled
arrogance of these messageboard moderators is often really breathtaking.
Of course, I know virtually nothing about hacking. But is there any software
or sites out there covering this topic? I've never hacked anyone before, but
believe me, these assholes *really* have it coming.
Hostile 17
"You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither!"
-- Drew Carey
at a vbulletin messageboard. For years I was wondering if there was any way
to hack or otherwise punish the worst of these forums. The pure, undistilled
arrogance of these messageboard moderators is often really breathtaking.
Of course, I know virtually nothing about hacking. But is there any software
or sites out there covering this topic? I've never hacked anyone before, but
believe me, these assholes *really* have it coming.
Hostile 17
"You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither!"
-- Drew Carey