IP adress
(too old to reply)
2006-11-27 23:02:28 UTC
Is there a way to get someone IP adress or hotmailadress ?
If so ,how am I doing this ?

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2006-12-24 15:45:27 UTC
the internet is based on IP - internet protocl and typically tcp/ip
transmission control protocol to further elaborate it is also based off
of DNS dynamic naming systems, which in short translates ip addies to
names and vice versa, so to get a domains ip address you would need to
open up a command console, in windows goto

start run cmd


ping www.domainname.com

where domainname is the doman you are trying to find, if its an email
addy like ***@hotmail.com wherver is after the @ will be the domain
name, so ping hotmail.com in that case, now if you are trying to gain
access to an hotmail acct, their are alot easier ways then trying to
root one of thier mail servers, I dont know your intentions, but this
answerd your questions.
Post by eagleacs
Is there a way to get someone IP adress or hotmailadress ?
If so ,how am I doing this ?
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